Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I buy a ticket?
In person: We are located at #1 - 623 Carlton Trail, Behind the Frontier Mall in North Battleford, SK.
The Box Office is open Monday through Thursday from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. The Box Office opens 1 hour before curtain for performances. The Box Office is open until the start of any performance.
Over the phone: You can make a ticket purchase over the phone. All ticket reservations require a credit card. Your credit card will be charged the day the purchase is made, and tickets are held for you to pick up.
The Box Office phone number is (306) 445-7700
Over the Internet: Online ticket sales are available at : The Dekker Center Online Box Office
Please note there is a $2.10 charge per ticket sold on-line.
Please Note: There are no refunds or exchanges on tickets.
Can I exchange my tickets or get a refund?
We have a No Refunds or Exchanges policy. If the show is cancelled, then we do provide refunds.
However, if you simply can't make it, we cannot provide you with a refund.
Scent Free Policy
A fragrance-free environment helps create a safe and healthy workplace. Fragrances from personal care products, air fresheners, candles and cleaning products have been associated with adversely affecting a person’s health including headaches, upper respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath, and difficulty with concentration. People with allergies and asthma report that certain odors, even in small amounts, can cause asthma symptoms
Rental Shows
Tickets are sold subject to the Rules and Regulations of the event organizer / venue which are available on request. The event organizer / venue reserves the right to make alterations to the advertised arrangements or featured artists, to refuse admission and to request latecomers to await admission until a convenient break.
Late Arrivals
Latecomers will only be admitted at a suitable break in the performance, at the discretion of our front-of-house staff.
All prices that are displayed show the ticket price and handling charges. GST is charged on all ticket sales.
Please Note: There are no refunds or exchanges on tickets.
Age Definitions
Seniors rates apply to those 65 and older. Youth rates apply to those 18 and younger.
Wheelchair Seating
The Dekker Centre is fully wheelchair accessible for all our patrons, including ramps at our doorways and adequate space in the theatre room for wheelchairs. Please contact the Box Office when purchasing tickets or arriving at our facility to request assistance for wheelchair accessible seating.
Babes-in-arms cannot be admitted to the Dekker Centre performances - though we welcome children old enough to enjoy our shows, they must be holders of tickets purchased for them.
Parking for 200 vehicles is available in front of the Dekker Centre. Parking is free of charge.
Bars and Concessions
Refreshment bars and concessions are located throughout the lobby. At most performances, the following items may be purchased (cash only): liquor, wine, beer, liquers, soft drinks, bottled water.
Coat Check
Our wonderful volunteers will be happy to assist you with checking your coat. Gratuities contribute to the volunteer appreciation events.
Rest Rooms
For your convenience, restrooms are located just off the main lobby. Restrooms are wheelchair accessible.
Ushering Staff
Can't find your seat? Have questions? Our ushering staff is available at all performances to help answer your questions and point you in the right direction. To spot an usher - look for the people with the big smiles wearing white tops and black pants or skirts.
Theatre Etiquette
Please be considerate of those in the audience who may have allergies and avoid wearing perfume or cologne. Cell phones, pagers and watches should be turned off and refrain from unwrapping candy during performances. Food is not permitted in the theatre, In the event of any disturbances, ushers will ask those individuals to leave the auditorium.
Cameras, video cameras and recording devices are prohibited inside the theatre.
Hearing Assistance
Assistive listening devices are available at no charge and may be signed out at the box office.